Messageware Exchange
Messageware Exchange Protocol Guard (EPG) For 2FA provides on-premises Microsoft Exchange with enhanced security through real-time collection of logon information, analysis, threat detection and evasion, alerts and security controls for most widely used messaging protocols, including the protocols that 2FA does not protect.
Messageware Exchange Protocol Guard (EPG) provides advanced logon intelligence and control for Microsoft Exchange Servers by monitoring potential risks from attacks through Exchange messaging protocols. With EPG, an enterprise is protected with a sophisticated set of access controls and real-time monitoring of potential risks.
EPG is a critical addition for all enterprises including those that have implemented 2 Factor Authentication to protect some of the messaging protocols.
User and system alerts in EPG, combined with EPG’s in-depth analytical reporting, provide the most complete Exchange protocol security intelligence solution on the market today. Enterprises have the tools and up-to-date information needed to ensure the integrity of users’ accounts and corporate data. IT administrators and security professionals can immediately analyze, customize, and refine their security policies. Armed with information, companies are able to identify and defend against a multitude of modern-day threats to their Exchange system.
Lock down what 2FA leaves vulnerable
- Multifactor Factor Solutions do not protect all messaging protocols. Combine 2FA with EPG and secure all key protocols.
Detect suspicious activity
- Continuous monitoring and alerts combined with the analysis tools to investigate suspicious activity and quickly respond to security threats.
Generate automatic alerts
- Event time notification identifies and reports suspicious behavior. A delay in detection and response can be costly.
Evade Threats
- Multiple options for automatically blocking attackers, IP addresses, regions and more through tarpitting, Dynamic CAPTCHA and geo-fencing.
Reporting / Analytical Services
- Trace usage patterns and detect, evade, and analyze threats. Provides a full range of out of the box services to help you create, deploy, and manage your organization’s security data. Quickly determine the extent and impact of the security incident.
Customizable logon policies and security checks
- Configure EPG to comply with individual corporate security plans.